Becoming a IIRSM Course Delivery Partner will enable you to deliver a practical and engaging learning experience to your delegates through courses developed by IIRSM, using our expertise and experience. Our courses use real-life case studies, short bursts of content delivery, along with video, interactive polls, group discussion and reflective activities to understand how the theory applies to individuals’ own workplace scenarios.
As a IIRSM Course Delivery Partner you will have a licence to deliver our one-day course Managing Risk: The Essentials and/or our two-day course Managing Health & Safety Risks. The courses can either be delivered commercially (publicly) or in-house within your own organisation.
The main contact plus all approved trainers will have access to a community area on the IIRSM website for each course you are licenced to deliver.
In the community area you will find:
The full course presentation, including videos and case studies.
Trainer guidance on delivering the course(s). This also includes train-the trainer resources, documents and videos.
Downloadable copies of the learner workbook and resources for the licenced course(s).
Downloadable feedback/evaluation forms.
Guidance on how you can tailor the course to ensure its relevance to specific groups of learners.
Discounted membership for course attendees who will get access to IIRSM member benefits and global community.
Information about the benefits of IIRSM membership.
Plus additional documentation such as:
Trainer benchmarking forms
Application forms
Marketing guidance
Privacy & Cookie policies
To become a Course Delivery Partner, the upfront costs are the course licence application/renewal price and membership fees for any non-IIRSM members who wish to be approved as trainers.
VAT will be added where applicable.
Course application and first year's licence fee
Managing Risk: The Essentials (one-day course) - £1,600
Managing H&S Risks: The Essentials (two-day course) - £2,600
Package of both courses - £3,900
Annual Renewal
Managing Risk: The Essentials (one-day course) - £750
Managing H&S Risks: The Essentials (two-day course) - £1,200
Package of both courses - £1,850
(Prices correct as of December 2024.)
This is for organisations who are new to becoming a Course Delivery Partner and would like to be approved to deliver our 'Managing Risk: The Essentials' and/or 'Managing Health & Safety Risks: The Essentials' course(s). By clicking on apply here you will be redirected to a Survey Monkey form to complete your application form. Please note you will also have to complete trainer application forms.
This is for trainers of organisations who are applying to become a Course Delivery Partner or have an existing Course Delivery Partner licence and would like additional trainers to be approved to deliver our course(s). By clicking on apply here you will be redirected to a Survey Monkey form to complete your application form. Please note your trainers will have to complete a benchmarking exercise which can be found within the application form. They will also need to be members of IIRSM at least at Associate level.
If you are an existing Course Delivery Partner, at the end of your current licence period, you have the option to renew with a discount. By clicking on apply here you will be redirected to a Survey Monkey form to complete your renewal.
The following contains some general information about becoming a IIRSM Course Delivery Partner. Please also refer to the guidance documents. Should you have any further questions, please email
A member of staff will be in touch soon. Regards, IIRSM