IIRSM is inviting applications to become a Trustee and sit on the Institute’s governing Council
As a trustee of the Institute you, alongside fellow Council members, will be charged with governance and oversight of IIRSM. Our Trustees and Council play a vital role in holding IIRSM to account against its near-term delivery and performance, in addition to shepherding the organisation towards a bright future.
Following a review of our current Council make-up, we are now inviting applications from both members and non-members to join us as a Trustee, in order to complement the skillset of our existing Trustees.
As a Charitable organisation, the role of Trustee is performed on a voluntary basis (with reasonable expenses covered).
We’re looking for individuals who will look on the future success of the Institute as reward for their contributions. Applicants may also be current or aspiring Non-Executive Directors who may view this opportunity as a helpful stepping stone towards other appointments.
We are specifically seeking applicants who can demonstrate substantial experience in at least one of the following areas (and we will be considering multiple appointments if required):
Event management
Working for membership centred organisations
Business to business networking
Security (Cyber and/or Physical)
Legal and contractual skills
In addition to the key skills noted above, it is highly desirable for us to hear whether prospective Trustees hold significant international experience within the risk domain.
The time commitment to the role will be relatively modest, with the commitment focussed around four planned Council meetings per year and associated activities, with the opportunity to be involved more expansively in supporting the Institute should you desire.
IIRSM is an equal opportunities Institute and welcomes applications from all sections of society.
Interested applicants are welcomed to apply through submitting a brief CV and covering letter by email to phillip.pearson@IIRSM.org. The closing date for applications is 15 September 2021. We anticipate holding remote interviews for short-listed applicants prior to selection.
Thank you for enquiry
A member of staff will be in touch soon. Regards, IIRSM